A Wrinklie is an elder or someone who
hopes to be an elder one day.
A Wrinklie is old enough
to understand
that we all benefit
from a little magic.
from 'Eyes As Big As Plates' By Karoline Hjorth And Riitta Ikonen
We offer these guidelines to help clarify what we're looking for:
- Our definition of a Fairy Tale is simple: A short yarn with at least a little magic.
- We are looking for a variety of styles and moods - Tales that are whimsical, sad, scary, wry, poignant, and playful are all heartily welcomed.
- We want Tales of substance and depth. Don't be afraid to go into the dark, to plunge into the psyche to see what you find.
- We are interested in stories that expand on familiar Fairy Tale themes and characters in ways that involve the dilemmas and delights of becoming a Wrinklie - Tales that access our aging anxieties while reminding us once again that, even as we are slipping away, magic and beauty and goodness are ever with us.
- If your Tale has a moral, make sure you bring a light touch with it. After all, one of the advantages of getting older is that we only listen to the sermons that interest or entertain us.
- We hope to include some Tales that have a connection to a classic fairy tale but with a slight twist. For example: You might expand on Cinderella - what happened to her as she aged? What is the Fairy Godmother up to now? Is the Prince as Charming as ever? What about the Grandmother in Little Red Riding Hood - was she really a wolf, or only pretending to be? What became of Hansel and Gretel, or the little boy in The Emperor's New Clothes? Does Rumpelstiltskin have a different Tale to tell?
- Aim for an upper limit of about 5,000 words. There is no minimum - if you can write a good Tale in 3 words, have at it.
- Please submit your Tale as a Word document attachment to: [email protected] or [email protected]
- We invite all questions & thoughts! Please send to: [email protected] or [email protected]
October 1st or sooner: Let us know if you plan to submit
January 15th or sooner: Submissions due
October 1st or sooner: Let us know if you plan to submit
January 15th or sooner: Submissions due